Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pay It Forward

Yesterday's Our Daily Bread devotion was entitled "Pay It Forward" recalling the movie of that name about not repaying kindness, but passing it on. Being kind to others makes us feel good - and it doesn't need to cost us anything but a little extra effort. There's a commercial for Liberty Mutual that shows an act of kindness witnessed by someone, then that person in turn performs and act of kindness to someone else and it goes on.

Last year I read
The Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits of Leading a Compassionate Life by Piero Ferrucci. (Warning: he quotes the bible in addition to other non-Christian sources). It's chapters cover: honesty, warmth, forgiveness, contact, sense of belonging, trust, mindfulness, empathy, humility, patience, generosity, respect, flexibility, memory, loyalty, gratitude, service and joy. Those are all feelings that we long for and feelings that we get in return for being kind to other people. To quote Ferrucci, "Kindness frees us from the weights and obstacles that imprison us."

As singles, sometimes we have a lot of time on our hands. To find ways to help others, go to
Volunteer Match. There you enter your location and the type of volunteering you are interested in; ie. working with children, the elderly, hospitals, homeless, mentoring, etc.

Many of you may find yourselves unemployed right now. Looking for another job should be top priority in your lives, but you still may find yourself with time on your hands. We are social beings. Since I've been out of work, I miss the daily interaction with coworkers. Volunteering even it's only a hour or two a week, when you're unemployed helps you to socialize with other people and it also looks good on a resume.

Before Jesus shared in the Last Supper with his disciples' feet and said, "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." ~ John 13: 14-15. He was telling them to "pay it forward."

To quote the ending passage from the Our Daily Bread devotion, " To know love, open your heart to Jesus. To show love, open your heart to others."

If you don't know Jesus and want to, just pray this prayer wholeheartedly right now:
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and need you in my life. Please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross and rose from the grave. Please come into my heart and life. Thank you for helping me turn from my sins and follow you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you received Jesus into your heart, welcome to the family of God! The following will help you deepen your relationship with Christ:

  1. Pray. Just talk to God no matter where you are. He doesn’t care what the words are, just that they are sincere.
  2. Read the Bible everyday to learn about Jesus and how to live that pleases God. Start with 1 John, then the Gospel of John, the Philippians.
  3. An important part of helping your relationship with Christ grow is to tell others about Him. Demonstrate God’s love and be active in telling others about Jesus.
  4. Find a bible-based church and become active getting to know other Christians. Find one with a singles ministry or groups for people your age. Many have groups for different interests. Shop around, but commit yourself to finding one and joining a church family. (Read the Benefits of a Church Family).

God Bless,
I welcome questions.
Check out my new column for singles at Phoenix

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